Posts Tagged ‘Sector Development’

What model for cross-border joint practice?

Globalisation has changed the way that lawyers interact with each other across borders, and the need for them to do so. In the second half of the 20th century, international law firms expanded their operations from – in particular –...

A 2020 Perspective on Tech and Law

In our previous articles on technology and the legal sector (here and here), we outlined some of the ways in which law firms have adopted tech to deliver greater innovation, increased efficiency, and to provide further value to their clients. Although many...

A Double Take on Tech

In our first article on the interface of technology and law, we considered the different ways in which technology could be deployed to deliver greater value to clients, to implement cybersecurity measures and to increase innovation and efficiency in processes. In 2018...

Our Take on Tech

At Hook Tangaza we are interested in the interface of law and technology and how this impacts on the delivery of legal services globally.  Technology is facilitating the trade in cross-border legal services, helping firms reach a larger client base...

Training the future lawyer

A free guide for universities and law schools   The purpose of this guide In 2018, the Solicitors Regulation Authority announced the proposed introduction of a new training and qualification regime for solicitors in England and Wales. This new regime...